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Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Road pgs. 101-150

The boy and his Father are now past the mountains and are in the valley below. They are continuing their long journey south to find warmer climates. They have just been getting pummeled by snow as they continue onward and it doesn't look to good as they continue onward. The father had to use one of the bullets in his gun as well. He had to kill a man because he tried to hurt the boy. It was a very climactic part of the book and I enjoyed reading it. But it went into such detail for that short time after he shot him just to show how gruesome the kill was. Before the kill was made the man and the father were talking along with the boy. This made it very difficult to follow along and make out just who was talking.
In my opinion the book is getting very intense they are running into more people along the journey and the battle for survival is getting heightened. It gives me a sense of almost blindness when i try to picture this place because of the heavy impression of gray dull light. But I digress...the plot is starting to thicken whatever that may be im not sure but i can start to see more of who these two are through their actions not so much what they say. I have also learned that their was a mother but she abandoned the boy and the father a while back. All in all this book is definitely in my top five favorite books and i cannot wait to see how it ends.

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