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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Road Reading Blog Valentines day

The man and the boy have a connection that is unheard of. Valentines day is not just about love between a man or a woman, no, the road is not only an amazing example of love but i felt inclined to write a detailed reflection over such a reflection. The father shows love in so many ways one being that he does not show the boy weakness. I know that in some situations that is a bad choice to make but within the book it works very well. The boy looks to the father for everything, food, shelter, a shoulder to cry on, and just a friend. This means that the father is everything to that boy. He is also all the boy knows. The connection is very simple and elegant its a simple love story of a father and his boy just trying to survive through this post apocalyptic cold world. I think that the man tries very hard to make sure the boy sees as little as possible of the cruel world he was born into. Even without the sun the very essence of love metaphors love goes on. Love is eternal. We as a society think love is dead but, I don't think that...its all around us and even In the apocalypse love is there

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