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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Road pgs. 51-101

This adventure thickens with every turn of the page as we now find the boy and his father traveling through the mountains. The father realizes that another winter in the north of what used to be north America would be their last. We now find them traveling past the fathers home town as he showed him his old house. I think that he wanted him and the boy to share a moment but that was shattered when the boy became coy and scared. This must have hurt the father...knowing that even his sanctum was now dead and gone. But now they are moving toward the mountain with their shopping cart and all their supplies.
The only problem with the shopping cart is that it might be too heavy to carry throughout the mountain while dealing with snow and other environmental problems. That first night they hear 4 or 5 trees fall and the boy begins to get scared. But the father reassures them that a tree will not fall on them. I'm thinking that this is foreshadowing but i cant tell with this strange style of writing. As they move up the summit snow becomes more and more present along with the with the weight of the shopping cart.
In my opinion the book is getting better and better as they travel south for salvation and survival. I am not sure how this is going to turn out for them and what is in store for them next but every time i open this book i cant help but feel sad and excited at the same time. I guess you could say I'm looking for that light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

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