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Monday, April 18, 2011

The Da Vinci Code Reading Blog

Our hero Mr. Langstrom is within the Louvre working with French policemen. They are trying to decifer the clues around who killed the caretaker and how the Caretaker died. Mr. Langstrom had an appt. with the caretaker earlier that day but obviously he never showed up. Due to these complications the police turn to Langstrom in order to see if he cant help them in their search to find out just how he died. Meanwhile the organization plotting against the Caretaker and his society are busy trying to figure out just what their next move is in finding out the big "secret". This secret becomes more and more interesting as i read this book....
The Da Vinci Code is a very interesting book in that it shows just how a mystery book should bring their readers back for more. I find myself more interested in the book every time i read it.

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