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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Reading Blog

Huck feels especially restless because the Widow and Miss Watson constantly attempt to improve his behavior. When Miss Watson tells him about the “bad place”—hell—he blurts out that he would like to go there, for a change of scenery. This proclamation causes an uproar. Huck doesn’t see the point of going to the “good place” and resolves not to bother trying to get there. He keeps this sentiment a secret, however, because he doesn’t want to cause more trouble. When Huck asks, Miss Watson tells him that there is no chance that Tom Sawyer will end up in heaven. Huck is glad “because I wanted him and me to be together.” One night, after Miss Watson leads a prayer session with Huck and the household slaves, Huck goes to bed feeling “so lonesome I most wished I was dead.” He gets shivers hearing the sounds of nature through his window. Huck accidentally flicks a spider into a candle, and the bad omen frightens him. Just after midnight, Huck hears movement below the window and hears a “me-yow” sound, to which he responds with another “me-yow.” Climbing out the window onto the shed, Huck finds Tom Sawyer waiting for him in the yard.
Huck seems like he has a longing for adventure he is in no way ready to settle down in one spot he wants to see the south and have his adventures. Tom is what i believe to be Huck's hero and best friend. They seem to have awesome adventures and have a good time being friends whilst doing so. Huck in many ways is what i would have longed to do young as a child. Running away from home and finding treasure. Heh, I think im going to enjoy this book quite a bit.

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